Sunday, November 19, 2006

Jackson's 1st Birthday

Though Jackson spent his 1st Birthday in Germany, we decided that it wouldn't be right if we didn't celebrate witha birthday cake. A few weeks ago, we celebrated the right way and let him chow down on his first birthday cake. Enjoy the pics!

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Saturday, August 19, 2006

I know, I know... you all thought that I would never graduate... but I finally decided to get it over with. Thanks to kim's help and reminders, I finished my last independent study class and ended up walking yesterday.

The summer has been pretty busy: Island park, Lake Powell, Bear lake, and lots of time in Provo.

We're stoked to have D-long and Robin back into town, but are sad that we missed Alan and Layne before they left. They'll have to reprezent out at the Great Abominable!

Anyway, I hope that this blog will help all of us stay in touch and keep up on what is going on. Kim and I have started blogs for both of our families and it is fun to hear all of the latest stories that you normally wouldn't hear about. Feel free to write about anything and everything. The more we write, the better the blog. I'm especially anxious to hear the latest experiences from Alan out at NotreDame.

Hope all is well.

Peace. Posted by Picasa